Monday, November 30, 2009

Positive Self Image or Vanity?

You know, I got to thinking about why some people have a more difficult time than others developing and then maintaining an eating and exercise lifestyle that will keep them fit for life.  I wonder if being on the vain side--really needing to look good in order to be comfortable--is a key.  Maybe we need to be a little vain in order to make the small sacrifices necessary to stay look'n good.  At least we need to put ourselves near the top of our prioriy list.  We need to try to take the time to exercise and prepare and eat healthy, rather than constantly grabbing easy but fattening and low nutrition snacks.  And this needs to happen despite job, kids, house, and other demands on our time.  After all, in the long run we might be around and be productive longer if we make the necessary commitment now.