Friday, December 11, 2009

The Barn Shops Are Blogging

Our 20 shops at The Barn in Castle Rock now have a blog too.  We'll be posting events as well as stories about the shops and about our shop owners.  So, in additon to the website,, you can get all the information you want, not to mention we twitter @TheBarnAntiques.

Meanwhile, the thaw is starting and we are hoping to solve our frozen pipe problems.  But, first things first.  I'm off to The Barn to check the shop, then to the gym to work out.  Don't know about you but I tend to eat a lot more when it's cold.  However, did you know that shivering is a great calorie burner--that is why you need to eat more--and this presents a weight loss opportunity.  Maybe I'll resist turning on the heat in the car a little longer this morning to capitalize on the shivering effect and to offset the cookies I plan to make and undoubtedly eat this afternoon.

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